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Why Reflexology?

The feet are our bodies foundation. These often overlooked organs of action keep us upright and moving through life. Imagine a house being built on an unbalanced, weak or stressed foundation. The entire structure would eventually become unstable. Because our feet are connected (remember the childhood song "Dem Bones") to our entire body any imbalance in the feet can lead to tension and imbalance elsewhere in the body. This can also manifest as fatigue and irritability.

Our feet mirror our general health and can be our first sign of disharmony in the body. For example diabetes, nerve and circulatory disorders initially manifest and are made visible in the feet.

With over 7200 nerve endings corresponding to and affecting all the tissues and organs of the body acupressure points on the feet, head and hands can be intuitively manipulated to bring improved energy, circulation, harmony and balance via the nervous system to body, mind and spirit.

According to Dr. Vasant Lad (renowned ayurvedic physician from India and head of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico), ayurvedic foot massage can be traced back 5,000 years offering its many benefits: it nourishes the skin, reduces fungal and bacterial infections, and soothes an agitated mind; it can also help alleviate psychological imbalances, including anxiety, nervousness, and depression; and it can even balance brain chemistry and hormonal issues. Lad says we can reduce stress which is responsible for over 80% of all doctor visits, activate and boost our immune system, and even heal our body, mind, and consciousness through the simple act of foot massage. He says “The doors to the body’s inner pharmacy, are under the bottoms of your feet.”

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